I have prayed for you


What an amazing encouragement for me today to read again that Jesus prays for me. I am stronger already for it. 

And so he is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through him, because he lives forever to plead with God for them. – Hebrews 7:25 GNT

“Our blessed Lord is interceding for us, but He is in no sense appeasing God. All that God’s holy Being and righteous government could demand was once for all, completely and forever, satisfied at the Cross.” – Newell

It is not the intercession that needs to be a mediating type of thing nor is it something like a ritual religious thing. It is more like He wants me to draw near to His Father and I believe it is also about helping me or defending me against the evil one’s accusations and attacks. Remember how Jesus prayed for Peter – that his faith would not fail.


“God is here, within these walls;
before me, behind me, on my right
hand, on my left hand. He who fills
immensity has come down to me
here. I am now about to bow at His
feet, and speak to him…I may pour
forth my desires before Him and
not one syllable shall escape His
ear. I may speak to him as I would to
the dearest friend on earth.”
 Austin Phelps, The Still Hour